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The latest cognitive rehabilitation research translated into step-by-step interventions for clinical practice. 500+ pages PLUS worksheets included.
These interventions are good for:
The Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice is a guide for clinicians who want to effectively deliver evidence-based rehabilitation interventions in everyday clinical practice.
Professors can request a desk copy by completing the PDF form. Once the completed form is received, they can either have access to the e-book for 90 days for free or purchase the printed version at 50% off plus shipping and handling.
This website is for Instructors/Teachers/Professors and for Students/Manual purchasers. You will receive your code in an email following your Manual purchase confirmation.
Content access requires purchase of the ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual & Textbook Second Edition.
The ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual & Textbook Second Edition is an exhaustive update and expansion of the previous volume, with extensive student and instructor resources.
The new release includes:
The ACRM BI-ISIG is committed to fostering the use of empirically supported interventions to improve the lives of individuals with brain injury. Our goal with this comprehensive volume is to continue “raising the bar” in cognitive rehabilitation by helping clinicians and clinicians-in-training to deliver high-quality, empirically supported interventions to improve the lives of the patients we serve.
The ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual & Textbook SECOND EDITION (the MANUAL) was specifically designed to be a ready-to-use tool for instructors of graduate level Cognitive Rehabilitation courses and for professionals who provide cognitive-based interventions to persons with brain injury.
The MANUAL comes with access* to a robust companion website with separate sections for Professors and for students.
This textbook provides a strong foundation to the science of cognitive rehabilitation for persons with acquired brain injury and is systematic in the provision of the recommended treatment protocols.
This 500+ page comprehensive guide to the implementation of evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation interventions includes protocols for impairments of executive functions, memory, attention, hemi-spatial neglect and social communication, and also addresses comprehensive programs and group treatments.
The companion website provides students and clinicians full access to forms, decision-making trees, sample treatment plans, and templates, in addition to other useful treatment resources and web-links.
The companion website includes a separate portal specifically designed for instructor/teacher/professor — with many additional resources to support course planning and implementation, including sample course syllabi, quizzes and projects, and chapter questions and discussion points, among other valuable teaching resources.
Please review the Table of Contents for a detailed view of this state-of-the-art publication and website.
Educational opportunities that promote evidence-based interventions for cognitive rehabilitation are needed by clinicians in order to provide optimum care for individuals with brain injury.
ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Training provides such an opportunity by presenting evidence-based standards and guidelines for clinical practice and translating them into step-by-step procedures for use by clinicians.
Companion Website*
* With Softcover or e-Book
** Faculty must be actively teaching with the Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual
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